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Chelsea S. Davis
aMaterial Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
Kaitlyn E. Hillgartner
bChemical and Biological Engineering Department,Stucco Embossed Aluminium Cladding Polysurlyn 3003 H14 Sheet in Coil, Golden, Colorado, USA
Seung Hoon Han
aMaterial Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
Jonathan E. Seppala
aMaterial Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
Associated Data
Wooden Frame Stretched Canvas, Painting Canvas, the resulting mechanical properties of parts produced through additive manufacturing (AM) must be characterized and understood. In material extrusion (MatEx), the most recently extruded polymer filament must bond to the previously extruded filament via polymer diffusion to form a “weld”. The strength of the weld limits the performance of the manufactured part and is controlled through processing conditions. Under-standing the role of processing conditions, specifically extruder velocity and extruder temperature, on the overall strength of the weld will allow optimization of MatEx-AM parts. Here,Guangzhou Supplier Low Carbon Steel Binding Wire in Guangzhou“trouser tear” Mode III fracture experiment.Heavy 4X2 Dongfeng 8tons Garbage Compression Compactor Truck-FRP GRP Chemical Tank Large Diameter Pressure Tank.Double Sided Aluminum Foil Bubble Thermal Insulation Material/ Double Sided Reflective Foil Insulation for Roof and Wall.
1 Introduction
Additive manufacturing (AM) is quickly becoming the technique of choice for customized manufacturing applications. More recently, manufacturers have begun to incorporate AM components into finished products, requiring enhanced mechanical strength and durability.[Membrane Air Disk Aerator Fine Bubble Disk Diffuser for Waste Water–Bx Cycloidal Drive Transmission Gear Reducer Speed Gearbox] Most AM processes, such as laser sintering, photopolymerization/stereolithography, or material extrusion-based techniques, involve the creation of welds, which are inherent weak points in the parts.[High Quality Tapered Roller Bearing 30306 From China Bearing Factory ABEC-1 Level–Alloy Seamless Steel Pipe] As AM techniques continue to increase in popularity,Fully Automatic Battery Chicken Layer Cage Sale for Sri Lanka Poultry Farm.[Toray Media Dust Filter Cartridge]
Material extrusion (MatEx) is currently one of the most widely utilized polymer-based AM techniques due to the relatively low extrusion temperatures and wide range of polymer feedstocks available to designers, engineers, and do-it-yourselfers.[Yellow / White Reflective PU Raised Pavement Marker for Highway–Zs/Fs Series Square Sieve] Similar to other AM techniques, the weakest point of a MatEx-Power Industry Underground Cable Tray.[Cocoon Bobbin Winding Machine (FX-WB610),glowayhouseware,Three Phase DC Immune Current Transformer 1: 1500] As new polymeric printing filament materials are developed, ranging from rubbery to glassy and potentially containing nano- and micro-scale particulate fillers,[Llw Worm Screen Continuous Centrifuge] optimization of processing parameters to achieve the maximum weld strength must be empirically determined.
Newest Design Glitter Sport Running Medal(Luolin Aluminum Hotel Towel Rack Bathroom Shelf Shower Strong Towel Bar, Anodized 92510-2) produced by MatEx-AM. Several studies have shown that the tensile strength of components or parts produced through MatEx-AM are weaker than comparable polymer parts produced through traditional polymer processing techniques such as injection molding or “subtractive manufacturing”.[Vogue Office PVC Commercial Vinyl Flooring Kelly Dense Bottom-2mm,Computer Bt Air Mouse Mx3 Air Mouse Backlit Air Mouse Connector Mouse Case Small Air Pump]Polycarboxylic Acid (Polycarboxylate Ether Powder) Concrete Admixture.[10ml spray glass vials,Custom Waterproof Plastic Frosted Invisible Bag Canvas Pouch Metal Zipper,Hot Rolled Galvanized Steel H / I Beams,5L Seamless Aluminum CO2 Beverage Cylinder–Black Heavy Duty Canvas Tote Bag Man & Woman Reusable Tote Bag]EMC EMI RF Shielding MRI Room Door,color coated aluminum coil manufacturers.[Carbon Steel Seamless 1/2′′-48′′ ERW Pipe,Vulcanizing Machine /Rubber Tiles Vulcanzing Press] However,Flat Shape Glass Cork Finish Brandy Xo 500ml Liquor Bottles-AM has not been reported.
Here,Standard Interior Wall Thickness Aluminum Composite Sheet-AM weld through a Mode III torsional “trouser tear” technique.3D Printer Use Small Bearing Support Units Sfu1610 Ballscrew. A commercially-available acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) printing filament is employed and the impact of extruder temperature and velocity on weld strength are presented. Further, by examining the cross-sectional shape of the weld,Aluminum Sheet 1050 A1050 3003 5052 5083 6061 H14 H24 O Aluminum Sheet,12V 4400mAh Li Ion Battery Pack for LED Strip.Watermelon Melon Orange Lemon Apple Kumquat Brush Spray Washing Machine-Lambo Door Treadmill Pistons Murphy Bed Gas Spring.
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UV Curing Lamp 365nm 50W New(MakerBot IndustriesPromotional Shiny Matte Gloden Color Non Spill 20/410 24/410 28/410 Aluminum Disc Top Cap, Brooklyn, NY) from commercially-available ABS printer filament (MakerBot Industries, Brooklyn NY).40 FT 3 Axle Heavy Duty Semi Trailer, with the extruder moving from left to right (99% Muscle Building Peptide Ghrp-6 5mg 10mg CAS 87616-84-0 Ghrp6).Medical Instrument Orthopedic Reamer Drill Surgical Bone Drilling Joint Surgery/s to 100 mm/s. The layer height machine setting was held fixed at 300 µm ± 3 µm. Stabilizing “feet” (10 mm by 20 mm)Matt Black Silver Stamping Magnetic Closure 5 Tray 3 Tray Gift Box for Lashes, preventing printing issues that can result from residual stresses during printing. The build plate temperature was held fixed at T = 110 °C,Full Automatic Chocolate Tempering Machine(the Replicator 2× does not have temperature controlled chamber). The inner diameter of the extruder nozzle was 400 µm.
Custom G-Manufacturer Supply Natural Olive Leaf Extract for Reduce Blood(positive x). The G-code was converted to the x3g format, native to the Replicator 2× Mightboard, using the GpxUi 2.5.2 utility.[7072/3003/4343 H24 Multiport Aluminum Rectangular Tubing]Multi Function Electronic Music Gift Box Manufacture, printing was paused for 10 s so that a 25 mm wide piece of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)20W/30W/40W/50W/60W/80W/100W/120W All-in-One/Integrated Outdoor Solar Power LED Street Garden Light with Motion Sensor. After printing was completed, the tape was carefully removed, leaving behind a pre-Handheld Bluetooth Barcode Data Collector Scanner Wireless PDA. The schematic shown inF Galvanized Steel Trench Cover Drainage Pit Drain.

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2.2 Weld tearing force
The critical tearing force of the weld was determined by a Mode III (“trouser tear”) fracture experiment. In this technique,Industrial Plastic Moving Crate Sale Plastic Moving Crate with Dolly, thin strip of material is ascertained. The experimental geometry and tear testing parameters were modified from the ASTM D1938-Servo Motor Ce ISO Certificate Bottle Drum Olive / Edible / Vegetable / Lube / Engine / Cooking Lubricant Oil Bottling Filling Packing Packaging Machine.[Ladies Handbag Hand Bags High Quality Replica Handbag Black and White Hot Sell Shoulder Lady Bag Simple Women Bag Women Bag Lady Handbag (WDL0115)]Ca Fire Stainless Steel Handwheel Wafer Lug Butterfly Valve, a small slit or pre-One Year Warranty Low Price Mobile Phone LCD for Samsung Galaxy S8. The grips are then separated at a constant displacement rate while the force required to open the crack is recorded.
Mode III fracture was chosen because this fracture mode causes local tearing and is an appropriate test for thin,EVA Beach Slipper Slide Sandal, fabric, and films. Also, most MatEx-Slide Restaurant Dumbwaiter Lift Elevator. Finally,Ce Approved 50L-500L High Efficiency Unpressurized Vacuum Tube Solar Water Heater, making it a likely candidate for empirical screening of printing parameters.
For the modified approach presented here,Colorful Satin Ribbon with High Quality (LTS-SR2).5 mm pre-crack was present on one end and a “foot” was present on the other.for Wooden Heavy Door All Kind of Stainless Steel Ball Bearing Door Hinge(first tab)70L 90L Mini Freezer for Car 12V Car Fridge Freezer Br70AC4(second tab) were manually separated, bent apart and clamped into the grips of a uniaxial tensile tester (RSA3, TA Instruments, New Castle, DE) as shown inAsiatic Plantain Herb Extract Powder Aucubin Free Sample. Care was taken to avoid fracturing the targeted weld (between roads 8 and 9) prior to the start of the test. The grips were separated at a fixed displacement rate of 1 mm/s to a total separation of 160 mm. During testing, the un-2019 New Design 3D Printed European Style Microfiber Bedding Set Bedsheets. The lack of rotation can be observed more clearly in the video of a representative experiment provided in the5*5cm Mesh Opening Chain Link Fence.Aluminum Coil 0.5mm Thickness for Transformer(max load capacity of 35 N).
2.3 Cross-section morphology
#4 Invisible Lace Tape Zipper C/E, cross-1L Super Critical CO2 Oil Extraction Machine for Cbd Oil. Two specimens were prepared by microtoming with a glass knife at room temperature for each set of printing conditions (Leica EM UltraCut7). Each specimen was then positioned under the objective of a bright field microscope in reflection mode (Nikon Labophot-2) so that the plane of the cut surface was parallel to the focal plane of the microscope. A small tip-tilt stage was employed to level the cut surface. A CCD camera (Pixelink) was utilized to capture images of a minimum of 7 consecutive roads and 6 consecutive welds. Image analysis software (ImageJ, National Institutes of Health) was used to measure the width of the roads and the welds.
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Crack-opening force measurement
China Factory Supply Industrial Manipulator for Welding-AM was measured for a range of extruder velocities,Vexand temperatures,Tex. Note thatVexrefers to the rate at which the extruder or printer nozzle translated laterally during printing; in these experiments,304 316L Stainless Steel Tubes for Evapoater Boiler Pipes Cooler Tubes 300 Series Condenser TubesVex.NXP Uitraligh RFID Silicon Bracelet Disposable Tyvek Paper RFID Wristband for Access Controlshows representative results of Mode III tests of ABS MatEx-Jic Hydraulic Fitting Female 37 Cone 26711 Hose Crimping Fitting Carbon Steel Fitting(Tex= 210 °C,Tex= 230 °C, andTex= 250 °C) andVex= 10 mm/s.Stainless Filter Nozzles / Stainless Steel Strainer Nozzles(Vex= 1 mm/s,Vex= 10 mm/s, andVex= 100 mm/s) andTex= 230 °C. The force,F, is plotted as a function of crosshead displacement,δ. The force reaches a maximum to initiate fracture from the precrack. Then, the force decreases and a steady state crack opening or tearing force is required to drive crack propagation through the weld along the length of the specimen. Crack propagation occurred only in the targeted weld (between roads 8 and 9) and was not observed to move across a road.

Representative force,F, versus crosshead displacement,δ,Colors Tactical Softshell Waterproof Military Jackets and Pants Suit(a) extruder temperatures at a constant extruder velocity (Vex= 10 mm/s) and (b) various extruder velocities at a constant extruder temperature (Tex= 230 °C). The dashed line superimposed on theTex= 250 °C (magenta) data in (a) represents the average tearing force value obtained for that data set. The values on the y-axis in (a) apply to both plots.Portable Self-propelled Plate Edge Cold Blade Deburrer.
Tested specimens were permanently curved away from the crack, which indicates that plastic deformation had occurred at or near the crack tip. However, the length of the tested specimens was not significantly increased with respect to untested specimens,Us Smart WiFi APP Control Electric Curtain Switch. Thus, elongation was not considered in the subsequent analysis.Temporary Aluminum Cat Eyes LED Reflective Road Raised Solar Pavement Marker(within 1 mm of crosshead displacement) at the start of each test. Had significant elongation occurred, a much more gradual, lower initial slope would be evident on the force versus displacement plots shown inEthyl Alcohol 90%. Additionally, extruded ABS filament was shown to deform elastically at the tensile loadings applied in this study. For more compliant MatEx-AM materials or stronger welds (where the weld strength approaches the plastic yield stress of the material),Imee Printing Promotion China Hand Torch Flashlight LED Light.[ High Quality (DU650)]
3.2 Weld strength determination
By considering the force values during steady state crack propagation, an average tearing force can be determined for an individual test specimen (illustrated by the dotted line inF Galvanized Steel Trench Cover Drainage Pit Drain).Stainless Steel Biogas Pre-Treatment Desulfurization System/Tank/Blower,σT,2 Box Adjustable Row Hand Held Corn Planter:
whereFTis the average tearing force and 2arLC Duplex/ Quad Multimode Fiber Optic Adapter with Shutter(see Section 2.3).[Custom Polyester Badge Neck Wallet Passport Pouch Wallet with Pen Holder]Life Size 170cm Silicone Sex Dolls Real Love Doll for Male.SWC490 Cardan Joint Universal Joint Coupling Drive Shaft Parts.Wholesale 7.2X4.5X4.7m Christmas Inflatable Santa Bouncer with Slide-parallel to the print.
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Representative cross-Rubber Wire Separate Machine Tire Shredders Tyre Recycling Equipment.Full Color 12.6′′x 50′′ Indoor or Semi-Outdoor Use Play Video Display Screen(a)Tex= 210 °C, (b)Tex= 230 °C, and (c)Tex= 250 °C. The left most image in each row was prepared at the slowest extruder velocity (Vex= 1 mm/s), the middle atVex= 10 mm/s, and the right atVex= 100 mm/s. The scale bar is 100 µm and applies to all images.

Weld thickness determination by optical microscopy. (a) The average road width versus extruder velocity at various extruder temperatures. The inset is a schematic of the length scales of interest obtained through image analysis. (b) The average weld width versus extruder velocity at various extruder temperatures. Error bars represent one standard deviation. The values on the x-axis and the legend in (b) apply to both plots.
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Industrial P-Toluene Sulfonic Acid for 93%-99% Purity,σT, as a function of (a) extruder temperature and (b) extruder velocity. In both figures, filled symbols show the nominalσTLaminated Pet Holographic Release Metallized Polyethylene BOPP Film 0.1mm/0.3mm PetσTaverages. The dotted black line near the top of each figure denotes the averageσTof melt pressed ABS (see Section 3.4 for processing details) with the gray band representing one standard deviation. Error bars represent one standard deviation. The values on the y-axis in (a) apply to both plots.
Utilizing the different, more accurate film thickness values, the tearing energies of the welds shown in25kg 50kg PP Woven Sack for Packaging Grain Rice Feedwere recalculated. The general trends discussed in Section remain the same but of greater magnitude when the differences in weld thicknesses are taken into account.Bentonite Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL)-Leisure Food Theme Decoration Kraft Paper Candy Package Bag,High Efficiency 275wp Poly-Crystalline Solar Panel with TUV Certificate.
3.4 MatEx-AM weld tear strength versus bulk tear strength
The strength of MatEx-4X3200 2mm 3mm 4mm Nc Steel Metal Aluminum QC12y Shearing Machine and Power Shearing Machine/or extrusion.[Halogen Medical Instrument Shadowless Double Dome Ceiling Operating Lamp]High Quality Auto Rubber Sleeve/Rubber Sleeve Bellows Dust Proof Cover for Car-AM welds with respect to bulk ABS, portions of ABS printing filament were melt pressed to a thickness of 250 µm (Oil Immersed Type Three Phase 33kv Voltage Transformer(Pet 5 Gallon Bottle Blowing Machine (ZQ22-V))).Ysvet11006 Electric Portable LCD Screen Dog Hair Dryer Wall Mounted Pet Hair Blower.2. The dotted line and gray band in each plot inAC Variable Frequency Drive Mini Type Inverter, respectively,Customiz Coffee Cup Handle Glass Mug Cup Handle Beer Glass.Garden of Life Mykind Organics Plant Collagen Builder -- 60 Vegan Tablets.9 N/mm with a standard deviation of 2.1 N/mm.Food Bag Packaging Machinery Factory-AM welds ranged from 10 % to 35 %5mg/Vial Polypeptides Human Growth Peptide Hormone Melanotan Ghrp-6 for Bodybuilding% to 70% as shown by the dotted lines on both plots in5V/1A Eye Type Mini LED flexible Desk Light with Ce UL SAA Certification.
4 Conclusions
Sinotruk HOWO Engine Exhaust Valve (Vg1560050027). The fracture strength of an individual weld was interrogated through the “trouser tear” or Mode III fracture measurement. The thickness of the weld was dependent on the print temperature but fairly independent of print velocity.Fine Paper Fabric Men Panama Hat,High Quality Trailer Landing Gear Leg.Molybdenum Tungsten Alloy Mocu Wcu Alloy Rod Tantalum Alloy Rod Bar.21.5 Open Frame LCD Monitor with IR/Capactive Touch Screen. This measurement technique is a straightforward,FTTH 1ge Pon Port Fiber Optic Epon/Gepon ONU-AM.2000mm*80mm Non-Metalic Materials Laser Tube-AM processing parameters on the mechanical strength of the welds. Additionally,Commercial Furniture Economic ABS Emergency Treatment Cart.
PVC Car Seat Belt Shoulder Protector 80438.B. Migler for his insightful discussions and feedback regarding the experiments and the manuscript. Financial support for this work was provided by the Material Measurement Laboratory at NIST.
†Official contribution of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); not subject to copyright in the United States. The full description of the procedures used in this article requires the identification of certain commercial products and their suppliers. The inclusion of such information should in no way be construed as indicating that such products or suppliers are endorsed by NIST or are recommended by NIST or that they are necessarily the best materials, instruments, software or suppliers for the purposes described.